Marco: I was, I was the main man responsible for the sound, the audio, me and my mate did the main mix, and the director was editing the main footage in Sweden, and we were swapping files through the internet all the time and seeing how they fit together. I thought, wow, we are really going to make something good out of this!
Mark: What was your favourite part of the show?
Marco: Have you seen ‘Bless the Child’ from the footage yet?
Mark: I’m not quite up to that bit yet! I shall look out for that.
Marco: ‘Bless the Child’ is probably my favourite from the whole live DVD because we haven’t played that song for a while, so hearing and seeing it again, I didn’t remember it to be so heavy! And also the whole lighting system with the big reds and everything, the whole audio and the video, I was really impressed about that.
Mark: It is one of the best live DVD’s I’ve seen. Now that the “Imaginaerum” tour is over, what is the next step for Nightwish?
Marco: Well, we’ll be putting out the live DVD, and during the winter time probably write music and lyrics, and when Emppu gets back from his holidays, we’ll start swapping notes and see whatever comes from that and then we’ll be working on the album for the next year. Then we’ll set times with Tuomas to arrange and work on the new songs and that’s the plan basically.
Mark: How did the mission to get the Nightwish wine on board go?
Marco: I heard it’s pretty good, but I haven’t tasted it myself as I have been off the alcohol for three and a half years!!
Mark: I asked you about the vodka last time, so I think I’m asking the wrong man!!
Marco: If I did go back to the drink, I would still be a vodka and beer man!!
Mark: Just a couple of questions again about the DVD, and the decision to get Floor on board permanently, now that you can put everything in context, and now time has passed, was there really any other option? It was a huge tour that you had planned, was it at any point an option to cancel the tour?
Marco: Well we avoided that option as far as we could, and we didn’t have to do that. But, of course it was in the air, it was kind of a shadow hanging over everyone, we might have to pack up and go home. But none of us wanted to do it, we wanted to do the shows and not let all those people down, or ourselves. With Floor staying, we didn’t want to make any decisions, and we didn’t know if it would stay this way. But she liked her surroundings, and the crew and everybody and I think she really enjoyed herself.
Mark: There did seem to be that instant chemistry on the documentary, and there was almost an instant reaction from the crowds there as well, that they were happy to see her and happy to have her on board. Often when someone leaves a band there’s a little bit of backlash in the air, but there didn’t seem to be that with Floor, people obviously knew her from her previous music, and realised what a great asset she’d be to you guys. We all saw what a great presence she is on stage, she is a wonderful fit. And if she can spend that long on a tour bus with you!!
Marco: Yeah, I’m really happy too. I like what you said about the people’s reaction, and it is what you said, she has the stage presence and the voice, all the weapons you need for that kind of confrontation we have from the stage to the audience! So everything you wish for is there.
Mark: Let’s hope it continues! Let’s just talk for a second about your other projects, you are also on the new Ayreon album, “The Theory of Everything” how did you become involved in that?
Marco: Well I have actually been in correspondence with Arjen Lucassen for many years now, and he said he had a new album in the works and had a role that might fit me, I’m a big fan of his works, and he likes a lot of the stuff I have done with Tarot and Nightwish. So I said send me some demos and lyrics, and I’ll work with that, let’s make it happen! I really like that outrageous way of totally stepping out of mainstream and doing one of those long, thought out Prog albums, without any commercial considerations!! I really hope he sells enough of the records to make some more in the future.
Mark: Yes, it must be so liberating as a musician to be able to do that. Thank you for talking to us.
Mark: It was lovely to speak to you again; a real pleasure, and hopefully we’ll catch up again soon. Take care.
Marco: Thank you. You too.
Marco spoke to Mark Diggins November 14 2013 |